Get up to $35 / 1000 downloads with We pay for all countries! General Info

With AxiFile you can host your files with the biggest and fastest 1-Click web-hosting service world-wide. No need to register, fast, easy, reliably and completely for free. Keep simple tasks simple!

Max file size: 150 Mb
Period of files-keeping: 30 days
Premium-account: No
Parallel downloads: Yes
Download-Limit: No
Resume downloads: Yes
Earn program: No
Multi-upload: No
Remote upload: No
Speed and Stability of Download/Upload (bad 1...10 good): 7/7
Support of Download-Accelerators: Yes
Special Upload/Download soft: No
Special feature:
1. FTP upload (but only for 12 hours per session)
2. Protect your shared information
3. Email your download url to your friends

Official FAQ

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