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Rapidshare: Important changes for Uploaders

On November 10th, we ( will launch our storage revision program.

Accounts that use more than 20 GB of storage will be marked as "XXL" accounts by our system.
If any files associated with an "XXL" account have not been downloaded within the last 90 days ("inactive files"), those files will be deleted automatically.
As soon as the account's storage is less than 20 GB, no further files will be deleted.
Of course, no active files (i.e. files that have been downloaded at least once during the last 90 days) will be deleted. This means, we still offer unlimited storage for active files.
Your account's current storage utilization is over 20 GB, which means your account will be marked as "XXL".
Please check your account for files that you no longer need and remove them.
This helps to avoid the deletion of files you would like to keep.

You can check your current storage utilization at any time in the premium zone, right above the files list.

Enjoy! :(

1 Comment(s):

qtel said...
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