All you need to do is upload a file and place the URL received on your forum or blog web page, or on web pages where the user agreement permits users to put links.
We pay 5$ for each 1000 downloads
Note: Only for next countries - USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Austria, Spain, Swiss, Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, Russia.
We pay you 30% from the price of Premium accounts you sell. You also receive 30% of all payments from a premium user, while he remains a user of Premium service.
If user purchase 1 month premium access = you receive 600 points
If user purchase 3 month premium access = you receive 1500 points
If user purchase 6 month premium access = you receive 2700 points
Referral program
We will pay you 20% from money earned for downloads from affiliates who you referred to the Sharing Matrix affiliate program. This only applies to money earned from downloads.
- The payment period is 1 month
- Payment is sent 15 days after the end of each period
Example: Payment for February will be sent 15th March
- All the payments will be sent to PAYPAL and WEBMONEY accounts.
- Minimal payment 50 USD.
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